During these challenging times, Interns 4-Good is expanding into the classroom.
We are providing 1-on-1 virtual tutoring to hundreds of students across the United States.


Is your child struggling to keep up with school work? Do they need extra academic support? Our experienced tutors are eager to help.

High Schoolers

Do you want to help students succeed by leveraging your academic strengths? Join our network of dedicated tutors today.

Common Questions

Fill out the tutor application form linked above. You will need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name, grade, contact information, and school. Additionally, you will be asked to explain your motivation behind volunteering, elaborate on your skills and interests, and upload a photo of your school ID. All volunteers are also required to provide the contact information of one adult at their school that can verify that they are in good academic standing. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for us to match you with a student whose needs align with your aptitudes and abilities. 

Once you have submitted the form, sit back and relax. A member of our leadership team will review your application as soon as possible and send you a follow-up email. If you are accepted, you will receive additional instructions on how to begin your tutoring journey.

All tutors must be in high school (grades 9-12). Unfortunately, we cannot make any exceptions to this rule, regardless of one’s skills and qualifications.

As a virtual tutor at Interns 4-Good, you will be responsible for providing academic support to elementary and middle school students. Many of our tutees are underprivileged students attending Title 1 schools across the United States

All of our volunteers fill out a weekly form in which they report how many hours they have spent tutoring and preparing for tutoring sessions. Our team compiles and stores this information for future reference. At any given time, volunteers can request to have their hours verified or reported to an organization of their choice.

No, tutoring is an UNPAID volunteer position. However, all tutors receive certified volunteer hours for both the time they spend preparing for tutoring sessions and actually tutoring their assigned students.

All high school tutors are expected to meet with their tutee at least once a week for one hour. Depending on the specific needs of the student you are assigned to, you may need to schedule an additional weekly meeting or spend some time preparing for the tutoring session outside of the actual call.  We ask that all volunteers make a firm 1-year commitment to ensure that all of our tutees receive the consistent support they need.

*Due to a high level of interest in tutoring opportunities, we are no longer allowing our tutors to work with more than one student.*

Fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. A member of our leadership team will respond to you as soon as possible.

Tutoring Initiatives

Leveraging a grant from Points of Light, Interns 4-Good is purchasing refurbished tablets for hundreds of elementary and middle school students, enabling these children to fully participate in virtual learning. Moreover, all students that receive tablets through this initiative will be matched with Interns 4-Good tutors for free homework help and academic support.

While our efforts have already impacted countless students, there are still thousands of disadvantaged youth who need our help. Support our mission by donating to our cause and sharing the flyer below.

Interns 4-Good has developed a tech support service to aid teachers in the challenging transition to virtual learning. Our volunteers are ready, willing, and able to assist with any technology-related issue, from trouble navigating a virtual conferencing platform to difficulty uploading lesson materials to the internet.

To request tech support, simply fill out the form below. You will be asked to provide some general information, including your name, contact information, and availability. Once we have received your support request, we will connect you with a tech-savvy volunteer.